Friday, February 13, 2009

Old people on the Road

Picture this, you're driving to school. You are a decently smart student and allow a certain amount of time to get dressed, eat, and drive to school. Your morning is going pretty smooth, until..the road. You are doing the speed limit and you suddenly notice yourself catching the car in front of you very fast. You glance down to see your speed limit and notice you are safe, only 2-5 mph over the limit, and now you are suddenly right on the tail of the car in front of you. You look into the car and what do you see? Grandma biting the steering wheel and doing about 5 mph under the speed limit. The towns new plan to help increase revenue is to lower speed limits and reduce passing zones to increase the number of tickets that are given each year. So what can you do? Well passing them anyway is an option if the other lane isn't taken by on coming traffic, or perhaps shit can them on the right while yelling wildly, Aloha! Not that I condone this type of action, being that is strictly frowned upon by so called officers of the law, or commonly referred to as the fuzz. So what can we do about this epidemic. Well revoking their licenses is an option, or possibly limit their hours of driving to anytime country kitchen is closes. There seems to be only one option. Make them retest to prove that their skills are up to par on the road. This might solve the issue. Most likely not.